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Output: Standard Output (stdout)
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Time limit: 1.0 seconds

Alison is in year 7 and she love Maths, in particular Measurement. She figures that to work out the perimeter of a rectangle she doesn't need the lengths of all sides to be given to her. If the rectangle is drawn on a plane (fancy word alert: Cartesian plane) and the sides of the rectangle are parallel to the x and y axes, then she can figure the perimeter if she is given the bottom left vertex (unfancy word: corner) coordinates and the top right vertex coordinates.


The first line of input contains 2 integers, A and B, the x and y coordinates of the bottom left hand vertex.

The second line of input contains 2 integers, C and D, the x and y coordinates of the top right hand vertex.


Print a single integer - the distance on the Cartesian plane that is the perimeter of the rectangle.


For all test cases, A < C and B < D. The following subtasks are available:

  • Subtask 1 (50\%): A, B, C, D > 0
  • Subtask 2 (50\%): -1000 \leq A, B, C, D \leq 1000

Sample Data Explanation

The diagram above corresponds to the sample data. The length of the horizontal line is the difference between the x values: 6 - 2 = 4. The length of the vertical line is the difference between the y values: 10 - 2 = 8. The perimeter is the sum of the four sides: 4 + 4 + 8 + 8 = 24

  • Sample Input 1

    2 2
    6 10

    Sample Output 1

  • Sample Input 2

    -150 -30
    80 -10

    Sample Output 2
